The Most Common iPhone 5 Glitches and Their Fixes

October 2, 2012
Now that some iPhone 5 owners have had their hands on the gadget for a little over a week the ravings have subsided and we're starting to hear more about the phone's flaws and glitches. Beyond the Maps app problems, which Apple continues to say will get better, and other iOS 6 related issues, the phone itself isn't perfect either. Luckily, from what we found on the Apple forums and elsewhere, it looks like most of these problems have a reasonable fix. 

Verizon Data Suck 

Issue: iPhone 5 users on the Verizon network have complained that their phone uses data when connected to WiFi, which could lead to huge overage bills. "I somehow managed to burn up 1.8gb of data over 5 days on my iphone 5," one Apple user wrote on a discussion board. "This had never happened in my past 4 years of owning an iPhone ... I can't believe I'm about to hit my full months data limit in 6 days when I connected to wifi 75% of the day." 

Fix: Verizon has acknowledged that there is in fact a bug, reassuring users that they will not be charged for the extra usage. "Under certain circumstances, iPhone 5 may use Verizon cellular data while the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network. Apple has a fix that is being delivered to Verizon customers right on their iPhone 5. Verizon Wireless customers will not be charged for any unwarranted cellular data usage," a spokesperson told 9to5Mac. In order to get the fix, however, users have to download the update, which is not yet available.
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Tea time: Serve up relaxation with tea brewed right

October 2, 2012
A cup of tea can create a relaxing, aromatic experience, and can serve up a refined atmosphere with pretty china, or a Zen-like feel with Oriental tea pots. 

“Tea relaxes and elevates the mood, the British are big believers in a cup of tea when they’re feeling anxiety or they are upset,” said Sue Swenson, co-owner of Mrs. Bridges’ Pantry, a tea shop in Woodstock.

While the British cherish “tea times,” Americans haven’t embraced the tradition, and the correct way to serve tea isn�...

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Wang Xueqi Joins Iron Man 3 as Radioactive Man?

October 2, 2012
It was rumored a few months ago that Andy Lau would be joining Iron Man 3 as an ally of Tony Stark, but he quickly backed out of the position. We've learned today from (via that actor Wang Xueqi will be taking on the role that Lau was circling and there might be more to it than we first thought.

Xueqi will be playing Chen Lu. If you're up on your Iron Man mythology, you will recognize that name as the civilian alias of Radioactive Man. Radioactive Man has worked for ...

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LMFAO Makes Amends for Party Rocking by Breaking Up

September 22, 2012
Happy Friday! There's one less annoying music act in the world.

LMFAO — AKA Barry Gordy's son Stefan Kendal "Redfoo" Gordy and his nephew Skyler Austen "SkyBlu" Gordy — have decided to go their separate ways and pursue other interests besides party rocking, shots, shots, shots, and being sexy and knowing it.

"I feel like we've been doing this for so long, five or six years," Redfoo told the Associated Press. "And we're kind of like saying, well, let's just do what's natural and just kind of...

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Christian Bale Fulfills Sick Child's Wish of Meeting Batman

September 18, 2012
Back in July, we reported on incredible generosity of actor Ron Perlman who, as part of a Make-A-Wish Foundation event, reprised his role as Hellboy for a very special young boy. Today, we're proud to bring word that The Dark Knight Rises actor Christian Bale, who traveled to visit the shooting victims in Aurora, Colorado back in July, is taking part in some further real life superheroics.

Earlier this year, the city of Youngstown, Ohio organized, through Facebook, an event called "Lighting th...

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Stephen McHattie Ready to Run with Wolves

September 12, 2012

Some more casting news is here for David Hayter's werewolf thriller Wolves, starring Lucas Till, Jason Momoa, Merritt Patterson, and Benedict Carver! We have the details on who is next to join the pack. Read on for details.

According to Variety, Stephen McHattie has joined the cast of of the flick, which is scheduled to start shooting Thursday near Toronto. Till will portray an 18-year-old who's forced to hit the road after the death of his parents and finds his way to an isolated town to hun...

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Wanda of China set to buy more U.S. entertainment assets

September 5, 2012

Fresh on the heels of spending $2.6 billion to buy AMC Entertainment, the nation's second-largest theater chain, Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group is poised to make more acquisitions in the U.S. entertainment industry.

Wang Jianlin, chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, said Tuesday that Wanda planned to invest $10 billion in U.S. companies in the next decade, which could include buying department stores, hotel management companies and at least one more cinema chain. In all, Wanda plans...

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Why Geothermal Energy Is Stalled in California

September 3, 2012
The Geothermal Energy Association is working with California energy authorities to help restart the flow of state utility power purchase agreements made with geothermal electricity generators, after close to a year's doldrums. Karl Gawell, executive director of the Washington-based GEA, said, "There is no question that geothermal is stalled in California. We need PPAs and transmission lines, and this year it is particularly important to see how (Western) states are working together to...

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‘Drink Less, Work More’, Aussie Billionaire Tells Non-Rich

August 30, 2012
Gina Rinehart seems to court controversy – from her family lawsuits to her battles with Australian media.

Now, the Australian mining heiress, worth $19 billion dollars  and earlier this year thought to be the world's richest woman, has sparked another controversy in her latest column in Australian Resources and Investment magazine. (Yes, I am a registered reader online.) Rinehart rails against class warfare and says the non-rich should stop attacking the rich and go to work.

“There is no mo...

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Romney Backs Fossil Fuels and Nuclear, Drops Renewables

August 25, 2012

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney today released an energy plan for the nation that supports development of oil, gas and nuclear power but undercuts wind and solar energy.

Speaking in Hobbs, New Mexico, an oil and gas industry center, Romney promised to create three million jobs and more than $1 trillion in new revenue and predicted complete “North American energy independence by 2020, a never-realized goal claimed by presidential candidates for decades.”

Mitt Romney

Presumptive Repu...

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