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Big Beef tries to shape U.S. Dietary Guidelines, saying it wants to fill ‘information gaps.’

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Friday, December 14, 2012, In : health 
It was here in this prosperous New England town that America’s love affair with beef started to lose its sizzle.

It was here a half century ago that obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels were all identified as risk factors for heart disease.

Indeed, it was here that scientists coined the term “risk factor,” triggering the deluge of nutrition research that keeps beef from being “what’s for dinner” in many households.

The study’s impact has been profound for ...

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Romney Backs Fossil Fuels and Nuclear, Drops Renewables

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Saturday, August 25, 2012, In : environment 

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney today released an energy plan for the nation that supports development of oil, gas and nuclear power but undercuts wind and solar energy.

Speaking in Hobbs, New Mexico, an oil and gas industry center, Romney promised to create three million jobs and more than $1 trillion in new revenue and predicted complete “North American energy independence by 2020, a never-realized goal claimed by presidential candidates for decades.”

Mitt Romney

Presumptive Repu...

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