Showing Tag: "green" (Show all posts)

Tea time: Serve up relaxation with tea brewed right

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Tuesday, October 2, 2012, In : health 
A cup of tea can create a relaxing, aromatic experience, and can serve up a refined atmosphere with pretty china, or a Zen-like feel with Oriental tea pots. 

“Tea relaxes and elevates the mood, the British are big believers in a cup of tea when they’re feeling anxiety or they are upset,” said Sue Swenson, co-owner of Mrs. Bridges’ Pantry, a tea shop in Woodstock.

While the British cherish “tea times,” Americans haven’t embraced the tradition, and the correct way to serve tea isn�...

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Green Lantern this summer

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Monday, March 14, 2011, In : movies 
Superhero flicks, including their sequels, hardly fail at the box office. And the next superhero flick to watch for is the movie adaptation of the Green Lantern.  He is a founder-member of the Justice League of America, a team of superheroes who banned together to stave off evil doers.  And a set of figures I'm collecting beginning with a Green Lantern statue.

According to the schedule, the motion picture version will be shown in June 2011 and the film stars Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern /  H...
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