Showing Tag: "games" (Show all posts)

It Had to be Unitologists: Dead Space 3 Story Review

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Friday, February 22, 2013, In : entertainment 
Dead Space 3
The story of “Dead Space 3? starts with a literal bang as we see events that occurred on Tau Volantis 200 years prior to the rest of the game. A veritable treasure trove of questions will be opened and I’m sorry to say that not all of them will be answered, but more on that later. We then move to an ever-dysfunctional Isaac Clarke, who is upset over the loss of “Dead Space 2? interest, Ellie. Don’t worry, she just left his hallucinating self, she’s not dead like Nicole.

As is Isa...

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Extreme Medication For The Skylanders Giants Habit

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Wednesday, November 21, 2012, In : entertainment 

Technology can have the propensity to take over family life. Whether it’s a constant need to check the Smartphone or a videogame you need to complete, keeping a balance with face to face time can be tricky. My approach is perhaps a little unorthodox but seems to work — we go for broke on a particular craze, burn out and then move on.

Skylanders Giants is an interesting example as it is designed to keep you hooked for a long time. If you’ve not come across it before it’s a videogame...

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