Green Lantern this summer

March 14, 2011
Green Lantern this summer
Superhero flicks, including their sequels, hardly fail at the box office. And the next superhero flick to watch for is the movie adaptation of the Green Lantern.  He is a founder-member of the Justice League of America, a team of superheroes who banned together to stave off evil doers.  And a set of figures I'm collecting beginning with a Green Lantern statue.

According to the schedule, the motion picture version will be shown in June 2011 and the film stars Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern /  Hal Jordan (name of his secret identity as published in DC comics).

Hal Jordan was born to mom and pop Jessica and Martin Jordan in Coast City.  Before becoming the Green Lantern, he was a trained pilot for the US Air Force.  He was also a boxer.  In a pivotal day of his life, Hal Jordan was to receive the Power Ring from a dying Abin Sur, a policeman from a different planet and a member of the Green Lantern Corps (guardians of the universe).

There were other Green Lanterns in the DC universe, namely Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, and Alan Scott.  Interestingly enough, each have his own version of Green Lantern bust.  There were times when the Green Lanterns had to work together.  But typically, their stories were solos.

Also, in the world of superheroes, everything also has its ups and downs.  Hal Jordan lusted after Carol Ferris, his superior at the Ferris Aircraft and to be played by Blake Lively. Unfortunately, however, Carol was selected by the Zamarons to become the super-villainess Star Sapphire, who terrorized the world, especially men, consistently.  Thus, Carol's relationship with the Green Lantern grew to become constrained. Next emergedthe legion of critters with nasty goals against those who Hal and his team swore to look after.

For about a certain period of time, Hal Jordan had become that which he had struggled so many times before, a formidable archvillain of hatred.  In the Emerald Twilight series, a strong parasite had taken control over Hal Jordan and changed him into Parallax.  It required a super group of heroes that included Wonder Woman, two Green Lanterns (Alan Scott and Guy Gardner), and number of other superheroes to get rid of him.  Ultimately, Hal Jordan died while battling the Sun eater and was reborn all over again with the same kind heart as before.

Hot girls of DragonCon 2010

September 6, 2010
This year, I did not get a chance to go to Comic Con in San Diego.  And my cousin asked me to visit him in Atlanta, Georgia.  He's stationed somewhere around there.  I couldn't get there this time around.  Money is tight and I thought I'd spend something a little closer to home.  But, in any case, he told me to look up info on DragonCon and see if it's something I could show up for next year.

I did my quick research and wow!  DragonCon looks like it's a lot of fun.  It's a pop-culture conventi...
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Yet another Jordan vs Kobe article

August 26, 2010
Not just from online, but also from friends and co-workers, we, somehow, get into a "heated" debate on who's better, Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan.  Whenever something like this happens, lots of numbers get thrown, such as how many rings Kobe has or championship appearances at his age and how many more he's likely to get by the time he retires.  Most numbers thrown are individual accomplishments, such as scoring titles, MVP, All-Star selection, etc.

I don't think those numbers matter much.  Be...
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Spring break!

March 2, 2010
I've been out of college for a few years now.  But back then I've always looked forward to spring break.  I went to Lake Havasu one year and Cancun, Mexico the next year.   The best times of my life if I could only remember them.  I do remember the good parts though.

One thing that's interesting though is how the whole Spring Break scene got started.  I've always been curious and ran into this summary:
The Story Behind Spring Break
Via: Online Schools
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Football is here!

August 10, 2009
I turned on the TV and the Buffalo Bills are playing the Tennessee Titans on NBC.  It's the Hall of Fame game.  The year really went fast.  But I'm excited. I'm a big football fan.  There's nothing like a lazy Sunday and a battle of the grid iron on the tube.

One thing interesting about this year's Hall of Fame game is that Rod Woodson of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Bruce Smith of the Buffalo Bills, Derrick Thomas (RIP) of the Kansas City Chiefs and Randall McDaniel of the Minnesota Vikings were ...
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Random Thoughts: GI Joe Comes Out Today. Vegas. And Halloween Already?

August 7, 2009
Ok, so when we're done this afternoon, a bunch of us from work will go watch GI Joe.  I'm so excited.  I grew up on this shit.  Plus, Sienna Miller looks so hot as the Baroness.  I know that she's a blond, but man, she's smokin as a brunette. I haven't heard much about GI Joe.  Only seen the trailers, so I'm hopeful.  Maybe I'll post a review over the weekend.  So stay tuned.

Speaking of hot.  This one girl (from work) asked me to reserve Halloween at her place.  She said that Halloween is on ...
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Time to play

August 5, 2009
Summer is dead on.  100 deg F + the past few days is no joke.  Even worse since my AC has been broken and now being repaired.  Of course, costing me mucho bucks.  I'm gonna have to look into solar panels which I heard should save some money.  If I do build a solar power generator, maybe I can blog about it here.

No matter.  Just wanted to make my first post before stepping out for a quick jog with the dog.

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