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Big Beef tries to shape U.S. Dietary Guidelines, saying it wants to fill ‘information gaps.’

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Friday, December 14, 2012, In : health 
It was here in this prosperous New England town that America’s love affair with beef started to lose its sizzle.

It was here a half century ago that obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels were all identified as risk factors for heart disease.

Indeed, it was here that scientists coined the term “risk factor,” triggering the deluge of nutrition research that keeps beef from being “what’s for dinner” in many households.

The study’s impact has been profound for ...

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Tea time: Serve up relaxation with tea brewed right

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Tuesday, October 2, 2012, In : health 
A cup of tea can create a relaxing, aromatic experience, and can serve up a refined atmosphere with pretty china, or a Zen-like feel with Oriental tea pots. 

“Tea relaxes and elevates the mood, the British are big believers in a cup of tea when they’re feeling anxiety or they are upset,” said Sue Swenson, co-owner of Mrs. Bridges’ Pantry, a tea shop in Woodstock.

While the British cherish “tea times,” Americans haven’t embraced the tradition, and the correct way to serve tea isn�...

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Pay It Forward: The future of human organ donation?

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Saturday, August 11, 2012, In : health 
Former Vice President Dick Cheney had a heart transplant earlier this year, after being on a waitlist for almost two years. He was one of the lucky ones because many people die waiting for a heart, kidney, or other organs. Experts agree there’s a severe shortage of human organs and it will likely get worse. This week, we’ve considered how the principle of “pay it forward” worked in a Great Lakes rescue, a young Detroiter’s effort to help the jobless, Good Samaritan experiments, and ...
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Should I learn Sudoku?

Posted by Norm Gutierrez on Saturday, June 2, 2012, In : health 
There are many terrible stuff that are habit forming. Drug use, extreme drinking alcohol, and in many cases a lot of gambling are all destructive vices that are extremely habit forming. But if you can find one kind of addiction that is certainly beneficial for adults and kids alike, it is an addiction to sudoku puzzles. Analysts rank doing sudoku puzzles on a daily basis on the list of top ten things to do to boost brain power. Some other brain improvement techniques include a lot of rests an...
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